• STEM Library Lab

    STEM Library Lab



    About Us

    STEM Library Lab (SLL) is a nonprofit equipment-share resource center that lends STEM materials and offers instructional support services to teachers and schools. Our mission is to foster high-quality active learning by providing teachers and students with access to equipment, programs, and instructional support to drive academic success.


    Dissection Office Hours with Exports: One of the Teacher Supports Offered by STEM Library Lab where local experts come and host interactive sessions that teach a new skill or topic to STEM teachers
    Dissection Office Hours with Exports: One of the Teacher Supports Offered by STEM Library Lab where local experts come and host interactive sessions that teach a new skill or topic to STEM teachers
    Our materials can be used from Pre-K (pictured here)  all the way through grade 12.
    Majority of our teachers borrow at lease 3 items per borrowing instance. The result: The membership paying for itself in one borrow!
    Communities of Practice are the second Teacher Support STEM Library Lab Offers. Teachers use a material from our inventory in their classroom and then teach other teachers to use that item in their classroom
    Communities of Practice are the second Teacher Support STEM Library Lab Offers. Teachers use a material from our inventory in their classroom and then teach other teachers to use that item in their classroom
    Our Boad and Staff: From left to right Sarah Sievert (Board Chair), Todd Wackerman (Executive Director), Allie Cooper (librarian), Keith Crawford (Board Member), Michaela Slosar (Fundraising and Outreach Coordinator),  Madeline Peters (Board Member).
    Come browse the shelves!

    Rep/Contact Info

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    Mr. Todd Wackerman
    • Phone: (650) 868-3584
  • Upcoming Events Upcoming Events