• 2017 Membership Drive - Current Members

    At this time, we rely on YOU, our members, to help us to build the Chamber network. We encourage you to help your friends, colleagues and clients by showing them how they can also prosper and build their business through the Chamber.

    Our Membership Campaign Drive runs through Friday, May 12.

    As a thank you for your help, the following awards will be offered:

    For Recruiting 1 New Member:

    Chamber Promotional Item

    For Recruiting 3+ New Members:

    Visa Gift Card (with 10% of your referral’s membership dues!)

    Our Top 3 New Member Recruiters:

    2-night stay at one of the following luxury hotels!


    Bring A Friend 
    Join us for our three Connection Kick-Off Events! Know someone you want to connect to the Chamber Network? Use this as an opportunity to help them to "Grow Connected."

    Chamber After 5 - Urban South 
    Connection Kick-Off - American Sector 
    Connection Kick-Off - Sala 

    We look forward to seeing you and meeting your referrals. Please contact Membership Director, Ashley Falkenstein for any questions or concerns, afalkenstein@neworleanschamber.org


    See what other Chamber Members have to say! 

    Interested in sharing your experience about how you have "grown connected" through the Chamber? Email Adoubleday@neworleanschamber.org 

  • Upcoming Events Upcoming Events